SMARTFLOW HSE Policy Statement
SMARTFLOW TECHNOLOGIES LTD is committed to the responsible management of the Occupational health, safety and environmental effects arising from all her activities, products and services.
This incorporates specific and varied commitments which include but are not limited to:
- The prevention of all work-related injury, ill health, incidents and accidents onsite and offsite
- Elimination of hazards and reduction of OH&S risks
- Maintaining a high level of awareness, motivation, training and utilizations for all employees as it concerns HSE
- knowledge and operations
- The prevention, minimization, rendering harmless and the monitoring of noxious releases to the environment
- Compliance with all relevant Occupational health, safety and environmental legislation
- Aligning with global best practices on Occupational Health, Safety & Environment
These commitments are supported by a comprehensive management system covering all operations within the Company, with the prime objective being to:
- Maintain a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, contractors, visitors and the
local community - Achieve continual improvement in Occupational health, safety and environmental performance
The Company recognizes that the management of health, safety and environmental matters is the prime responsibility of the Board of Directors ably represented by the Managing Director, who will ensure that there are adequate resources available to reliably and consistently implement the policy. The company also recognizes that this policy can only be successfully implemented with the involvement of all employees and contractors. The board of directors will therefore actively promote and encourage the cooperation, involvement and participation of all employees and contractors.
The Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Policy and the Major Accident Prevention Policy will be reviewed periodically and approved by the Board of Directors.
MILIN SHAH (MD, Smartflow Technologies Ltd)